Warning - for use with old version of Maverik (5.4) click here for latest versions

Installing Maverik-5.4 under cygwin

First, install cygwin.

Then, download Maverik-5.4.tar.gz from aig.cs.man.ac.uk. gunzip and untar it, and then cd Maverik-5.4 and gunzip and untar cygwin.tar.gz which overwrites the Makefiles and setup script. Download my updated files tar and gunzip and untar it in the top level Maverik directory. Now run setup (run with --help for options). Make a link from ~/Maverik to Maverik-5.4

Edit your .bashrc and add

export MAV_HOME=/home/keatesm/Maverik

(putting in the directory where Maverik is installed).

If you didn't use my updated files setup you will need to edit the top level Makefile:

change the CFLAGS line to

	CFLAG= -Wall -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -finline-functions -DWIN32 -DMAV_CYGWIN

You need opengl or mesa include files. You can download mesa and mesaglu from www.mesa3d.org. Untar them in /usr. If you installed the opengl option for cygwin the include files will be in /usr/local/include - use this as the OPENGLINCL option for setup.


You can ignore any warnings about ignored pragmas - it should compile. However if the textures appear corrupt under win95 then you need to update your opengl32.dll (I copied mine from win98 and it works fine).

Building applications

You need -L${MAV_HOME}/lib -I${MAV_HOME}/incl

and to link with -lmaverik -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lgdi32 -luser32

If you compiled Maverik with the PNG option you will also need to link with -lpng.

If you want the glu tessellator to work then link with -lmesaglu instead of -lglu32 (if you've installed libMesaGLU.a).